EMDR Therapy
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
involves briefly focusing on an upsetting memory or current experience while simultaneously engaging in bilateral stimulation (back and forth movement between both sides of the body - often using side-to-side eye movements, shoulder tapping, audio that switches between ears, or vibrating “buzzer” devices that are held in the hands). These exercises help your nervous system learn that you can feel safe and grounded in the present, even when you’re reminded of painful experiences.
The EMDR process also includes:
helping you pinpoint themes or patterns in your life and understand how your life experiences have impacted you
helping you develop an inner “toolkit” of coping, relaxation, and confidence-boosting skills
helping you connect with and understand your mind-body sensations
helping you safely release bottled-up feelings so you can feel relieved and more stable
helping you identify negative false beliefs about yourself and your life that are impacting your nervous system and helping you develop more compassionate and empowering beliefs about yourself
For many people, EMDR is highly effective for treating trauma, anxiety, stress, grief, low self-esteem, and many other mental health challenges. For many, these exercises lead to a huge decrease in emotional and physical distress in their daily lives, and instead feeling calm, safe, restful, confident, stable, relieved…